about Us

“A tree growing out of the ground is as wonderful today as it ever was. It does not need to adopt new and startling methods.” Robert Henri

Dedicated to bringing the wonders of the natural world to curious people through nature journaling and photography

I’ve spent my life engrossed in the animals and plants that surround me.

As a child, my favorite place to visit was the U.S. Fish and Wildlife fish hatchery, my favorite television show was “Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom”, and my favorite books were Funk & Wagnall’s Wildlife Encyclopedias.

My love for, and interest in, all things “nature” has never waned.

Then I bought my first camera and discovered nature journaling. Today, I spend my free time wandering around, taking photographs, and journaling about the animals I see.

My goal with Now I Wonder is to help you experience the same joy, peace, and discovery through your own nature journal.

How I Do Things at Now I Wonder

I write every post myself from start to finish and research every post and resource on Now I Wonder personally.

I use peer-reviewed scientific works and academic resources to the greatest extent possible.

I make every effort to credit all referenced sources in the “References” section found within my posts.

All images and other media that include the Now I Wonder logo represent original media that I created.

Now I Wonder has the sole copyright to all images and media that include the Now I Wonder logo.

No image or media published on Now I Wonder may be used by any external entity for any purpose without the express, written permission of Now I Wonder’s creator.

Media without the Now I Wonder logo have been used and adapted for Now I Wonder with permission under the licenses granted through Canva at canva.com and is attributed to the original creator.

I absolutely abhor the practice among some nature photographers of trapping, restraining, freezing, tranquilizing, or otherwise interfering with an animal to get the “perfect” photograph.

I never restrain or interfere with the animals in my original Now I Wonder images and media in any way.

Unless specifically noted otherwise, all the animals featured in my original Now I Wonder media were encountered in their natural habitats.

I make every effort to avoid stressing animals during my nature walks and/or causing them to change their behavior in response to my presence.

I respect private property. All the nature walks I undertake and journal about on Now I Wonder are on my own personal, private property or public use lands.

I wholeheartedly subscribe to the philosophy of “take only photographs, leave only footprints”.